I got a lovely email the other day from Leo Enright, friend of this blog, wondering whether it was going to come out of its long hibernation for the MSL landing. Well probably not. I'm not at the landing (having been part of the party for Mars Polar Lander and for Beagle 2 (full archive), I have a suspicion that I'm something of an interplanetary Jonah). And much though I love it, Mars is no longer really part of my beat. But in honour of Leo's request, I thought I'd put a couple of articles from the past few years that are of Martian interest up. Here's one on MSL specifically, and here's one on methane. And if I get carried away in the excitement of this great achievement (or feel the sad need to deliver a post mortem) then -- who knows -- I might even add some fresh stuff. (I won't change the look of the blog: it's going to stay antiquated/charmingly retro).
One thought in passing. It is truly incredible that Curiosity will land while Opportunity is still sending back data. No one would have imagined that possible back in '03. No one. What a triumph.
What blogging I do these days is over at Heliophage, which started off as a blog for my book Eating the Sun (Amazon UK|US). You may find something of interest over there if you're keen on carbon/climate stuff, my idea of nature writing or (my main focus at the moment, away from my day job) geoengineering, among other things.
Other stuff goes on twitter: @eaterofsun