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Kaily Jane

It´s really a great joy being here. Your site is a varied mixture of the latest news, specified information and
activ power.


well i do know something about dmnaatiols we had ours for 12years the first 5-6 were very wild. he jumped through 5 windowstore up the furniture, needs constant attention. but he was a Nice dog he only bit a few people and never tooo hard. Sparky died in march. we had a few months of peace and quite ..and yup you guessed it the kids now wanted another dog sowe now have a puggle( cross a pug and beagle) nice small dog.has a yeepie bark runs hyper fast poo's and pee's inside. but when he is tired he is a great dog. i kinda think sometimes taking care of 2 kids is less stressful. but in a weird kind of way i love the dogs we've had


I work for Herts Mind Network and am looking to get a group totgeher, including staff and service users to come and see the show. This is something that has created a lot of interest and was hoping that we could arrange a discount depending on numbers.It would be great if we could and look forward to hearing from you soon. Kind Regards


Good Luck with the We come to you's,We tried that. It hasn't worked, as one memebr of the household won't adhere to the rules. GRRRRR. Technically, it is not the trainer's fault. It is ours -or the disobedient one that is!

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