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The precision and the acaccury that these engineers have pulled out of their hats is humbling. Take Messenger for example travel almost 2.5 Billion km and be within 800 meters of your exact target. Or the targetting/timing for the Cassini photo shoot at Enceladus' tiger stripe this summer.Unbelievable.Or that the ol' gals are still swinging!From someone who struggled with Calculus I -twice-here's to all the engineers who make this possible!


My name is Greg Fieser and I'm the Casting Producer for TLC's new show Our House . We are looking for cpeolus in the Los Angeles area (for the time being) who own their own house and need a makeover. I was hoping you could pass this information along to readers on your blog. Below is the wording so you can repost. I really appreciate all your help. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.Thank you again.Sincerely,Greg FieserCasting Producer818.478.4702Please post or pass along to those who might be interestedTLC SEEKING COUPLES FOR $25,000 HOME MAKEOVERThe TLC network is looking for fun, outgoing cpeolus who live together in the Los Angeles area for their new home makeover show “Our House.”The concept: We give you $25,000 and three weeks to do whatever you want to your home’s interior. You can re-floor, re-furnish, break down walls, install extreme fixtures and make it your dream house! And you have to do it all YOURSELF! (with a little help from your friends and the occasional plumber).We're looking for married cpeolus, dating cpeolus, new home owners, long-time residents, cpeolus who are strapped for cash and cpeolus who just need a change. Whatever your story as long as you own your house and want TLC to pay you to re-invent it we want to hear from you!Please send an email to with both of your names and ages, a phone number, your house’s location, photos of you both and a brief explanation of why you want to makeover your home.EMAIL PRODUCERS TODAY!


I was in Albuquerque, Thursday night. We traveled the Utah area and was going to end our trip with the banlools. We woke up Friday to lightning and the rest of my group did not want to stay around to see if the banlools went up. Please let me know what happened Friday. Also your husband is wearing a Nebraska jersey, just a fan or a native. Diane from Omaha

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